Domain Privacy
When you register a domain name, legally you are required to enter 'Registrant Details' such as your name, address, email and phone number.
Once registered, your details are immediately available online in the public WHOIS database. Anyone searching for a domain name can use the WHOIS database to look up the domain owner.
This means everyone including data miners and marketing companies can obtain your details and use it to contact you with unsolicited information.
Domain Privacy protects your personal information, hiding it from spammers, scammers and other unwanted attention, by replacing all your private contact details!
We place a default email address, postal address and phone number in the public WHOIS database for you and you still have full control over your domain names.
Domain Privacy is available for new, existing and transferred, .uk, .com, .net, .org, .biz and .info domain names.
Keep your personal details private and enjoy peace of mind with domain privacy.
We are very flexible
Different businesses require different things!
Let us serve you